Premed tuition for 2025/2026 – 6 700 Euro.
Above fees should be effected to the account of the Medical University of Lodz as per following instruction:
- University name and address: Medical University of Lodz, Al. Kosciuszki 4, 90-419 Lodz, Poland
- University account number (IBAN): PL 61 1050 1461 1000 0024 0606 9084
- swift number: INGBPLPW
- bank name: ING Bank Slaski, ul. Kopcinskiego 73/75, 90-033 Lodz, Poland
- subject of payment: PREMED tuition fee for: … (candidate’s surname and first name)
Please bear in mind that you might be charged with additional costs while making the payment. The full amount of tuition fee must appear on the University account, so please make sure that all additional banking charges are covered by you.