Summer Training Completion Procedure
- According to the curriculum of the studies you must complete specific fields of the training on each year of studies.
- Each student needs to complete the Training by the end of the academic year (30th September respective year)
- The Training may be completed during the academic year under certain conditions:
- The student has already credited the first year of studies;
- Only after crediting the winter semester;
- It cannot interfere with the regular classes – your classes are your priority!
- The Training must be conducted according to the program presented in the appropriate Summer Training Chart.
- Summer Training Charts for each year of studies can be downloaded below ↓. The Summer Training Chart contains all information regarding the training including the Training program and numbers of hours required.
- The students must have:
- Valid Safe Student Life Insurance (malpractice insurance);
- If you are going abroad remember to purchase the Territorial Extension
- Certificate of Hepatitis B vaccination or Hepatitis B immunity;
- Valid medical and sanitary-epidemiological certificate.
- Valid Safe Student Life Insurance (malpractice insurance);
- To credit the training, the students need to:
- complete the Training;
- submit the original of the Summer Training Chart (signed and stamped by your supervisor) to your Administrative Coordinator (or have it sent via traditional post directly to the Dean’s office) before the deadline mentioned in point 2;
- the Summer Training Chart needs to be:
- filled in with the student’s and hospital data on every page of the chart if needed;
- filled in with the dates and the grade;
- stamped and signed by the Training Supervisor.
- The students can decide to:
- OPTION 1 Complete the training organised on their own (you are responsible for all arrangements):
- either in Lodz
- or other cities/ countries
- OPTION 2 Complete the training organised by the Medical University of Lodz:
- it will take place in different hospitals in the Lodz agglomeration;
- only during summer holidays (July, August & September);
- the dates depend on the availability of the Supervisors.
OPTION 1 Training organised on your own – step by step:
- download, print and fill with your data the Summer Training Chart one per each training (you may ask your Administrative Coordinator for the Letter of Recommendation if required by the hospital);
- find the hospital and the Supervisor and get their signature in the Acceptance section;
- complete the Training;
- submit the original Summer Training Chart filled, signed and stamped to credit the semester not later than:
- within 5 working days after the completion (for the training completed in Lodz/ Poland),
- on the last working day of the summer retake session (for the training completed abroad);
- fill the online Evaluation Form for the Summer Training placement
The Summer Training completed on your own terms without completing step 4 and 5 will not be approved and credited!
OPTION 2 Training organised by MUL – step by step:
- you will be asked about the preferred dates, but we cannot guarantee the availability of the Supervisors, so they may be different in the end;
- you will be provided with the training in one of the hospitals within Lodz agglomeration;
- you will receive the Summer Training Chart filled with the data of the clinic and the contact info of the assigned Supervisor from your Administrative Coordinator;
- print the received Summer Training Chart to present it to the Supervisor on the first day of the Training to get their signature in the Acceptance section;
- complete the Training;
- submit the original Summer Training Chart filled, signed and stamped to credit the semester within 5 working days after the completion;
- fill the online Evaluation Form for the Summer Training placement.
The Summer Training completed without completing step 6 and 7 will not be approved and credited!
How to prepare for the Summer Training?
- make sure you meet all the prerequisites from point 5 of the Rules ↑
- print the Summer Training Chart
- you will need:
- your student ID and badge – the badge must be worn in the visible place all the time
- your own white coat
- your own scrubs
- change of shoes
- stethoscope
- positive attitude
- on the first year you will have an obligatory online meeting with the Training Coordinator to learn what to expect during the Training
- even if you are a higher year student you may still attend the meeting